Doug Logan serves as Lead Pastor of Epiphany Camden. Doug and his wife Angel have been married since 1996 and have been blessed with three sons, Bernie, Aharon, and Avery. He is ordained in the Presbyterian Church in America. Doug served at both 10th Presbyterian and Epiphany Fellowship in a 2-year Church Plant Residency program before planting EFC. He also serves as Vice President of Relational Connectivity and is a Board Member of the urban church planting network Thriving. Read Doug’s blog here. Doug preached Friday night from Matthew 15:32-39 — “Faith at a fish fry in the desert: Jesus has compassion that satisfies!”
Greg Thompson is senior pastor at Trinity Presbyterian Church (Charlottesville, VA). He served as Reformed University Fellowship campus minister at the University of Virginia from 2000–05. He is a graduate of the University of South Carolina and Covenant Theological Seminary and is pursuing a Ph.D. in Theology at the University of Virginia. Greg and his wife Courtney live in the City Parish and have three daughters and one son. Greg preached Friday morning on “Serving the God Who Is Poor” from 2 Corinthians 8:9.
Russ Whitfield has been privileged to serve among a broad range of people groups throughout his life. From these experiences the vision for a new church began to grow—Grace Mosaic in Washington, DC. Russ attended Dallas Theological Seminary and finished his M.Div at Westminster Theological Seminary. When he’s not at work in ministry, you might see Russ in his back yard wrapped in a cloud of barbecue smoke or on stage with his Funk/Soul/R&B band: Soul Suit. Russ preached Thursday night on “A Bridge Between Beggars” from 2 Kings 7:1-16.
Panel Discussion on Multi-Cultural Ministry
Pastors Craig Garriott, Irwyn Ince, Duke Kwon, Randy Nabors, and Kenny Foster responded to questions from the audience about the challenges and blessings of multi-cultural ministry.